Life is gray when you are not embodying your inner Feminine Magic and full 0rgasmic capacity!
Are you tired of feeling a little numb, dull or bored, like life lost some spark or color?
Do you feel you are missing something in life?
Or as if you have lost some of your playful aliveness and energy?

Every woman can live an 0rgasmc Pleasure filled life that feels effortless and magical!!
How would it feels to discover your 0rgasmic power and to feel fully ALIVE!
Experiencing full body 0rgasms and energy 0rgams whenever you desire!
Being reconnected to your Inner Feminine Magic and life force energy!
Living an 0rgasmic life is possible for you!!
This is what your life could look like if you fully embody your inner feminine magic and live an 0rgasmic pleasure filled life:
You look around and notice the colors are more vibrant and the flowers smell sweeter.
Just thinking about what you desire makes it manifest into your life as if by magic
Synchronicities and opportunities show up in your life like the sun after the rain
You feel a deep contentment within you no matter what your outer circumstances are like
Dealing with heartbreak, grief or complex trauma becomes so much softer and easier
You no longer need Botox or feel horrified about looking in the mirror; you are glowing
I could go on and on about all the magic, joy, miracles and pleasure you could experience in your life as a positive side effect of OHH, but what I really want for you is to just experience it and see it for yourself!!
All these things and so much more can be true for you!!

Deeply transformative and mindset shifting
High Healing Potential (without the need to dive into the issues, problems, patterns)
Reconnect to your life force energy
Embody your aliveness and desire
Discover your 0rgsmcPower and magic
Full Body 0rgsms and Energy 0rgasms
Magnetic Enchantment
Instant Powerful Bliss
Wonderful Intense Sensations and Deep Calmness
Looking younger and radiantly glowing
These sessions are deeply healing YET super FUN and PLEASURABLE!!
I will guide you into an induced hypnotic trance state, so that you are receptive to suggestion.
While you are in this very deep state of relaxation I will guide you into connecting to your 0rgasmic energy so you are able to expand it, move it, and create a bodily remembrance.
By the end of the 3e session you can activate your unique 0rgasmic energy and magical sensations whenever YOU want.

You will walk away with an ability to instantly connect with your life force whenever you desire. Tap into it, to enhance creativity, inspiration or desicion making...
Feel deeply empowered in your daily life, love life and business.
You’ll have the most benefit from these sessions if:
✔️ You’re a woman who KNOWS deep down inside that you do have the capacity within you to feel 0rgasmic in every part of your life – all you need is the right guidance to get there.
✔️ You are motivated and excited to expand your 0rgasmic energy and sensations.
✔️ You’re not feeling dissconnected from your body, and you understand that the basis of your 0rgasmic sensation is connected to your felt sense, you just struggle with tapping into you 0rgasmic energy and power.

Marianne works as a psychologist, hypnotherapist and expert in healing sexual anxiety and alchemizing the blockages that stand in the way of your true feminine self. She helps women from all over the world to embody their inner soft-power, so that they feel fully alive.
She has been trained in Hypnosis, Sexual Freedom Hypnosis, Sensual & Erotic Hypnosis, and the Enchantment Technique. All of that combined with over 28 years of experience in different Energy Healing Techniques and mixed together with her channeling of inner Yoni & Womb Magic she birthed Orgasmic Healing Hypnosis (OHH)
With this newly birthed OHH technique Marianne wants to bring lightness, joy and connection into the world.
‘My biggest passion is to awaken the Inner Feminine Magic within every woman. When you live from a deep connection to your inner magic, you will experience life as pure bliss.’ - Marianne

If you recognized yourself in the above and you desire a new level of connection with your powerful inner magic, your sxual-energy, so that you walk through life glowing in joy and radiating aliveness, then sign up for the OHH-Experience:
3 online 0rgasmic Healing Hypnosis Sessions
3 OHH sessions: €555,-
Single OHH session €195,-
Looking forward to guide you into the magic within you!