WOW! My husband and I had a great time this weekend!
We have started to enjoy sex again and my partner also feels what a big impact this course has on both our lives!
We got married recently and he said that he feared that our sex-life would become non-existent, but on the contrary, it has only gotten better! He even mentioned that he is rediscovering his own sexuality and finding new ways of pleasure. We are learning together, growing together in our partnership and that is something so powerful, so beautiful. My husband said that this was my best investment EVER hahahaha.
I'm so happy too!
- C & J -
Do you wish to have the BEST sex of your life AND have the most epic romantic relationship you always dreamed of without needing years of relationship therapy?
Do you desire to just feel playful and in love again?
Are you tired of regular couples therapy?
Do you wish to truly connect with one and other emotionally, verbally, sexually and spiritually and bring back that aliveness into your relationship?

Is this you? -->
Longing to feel that excitement, turn-on and juicy intimacy together, but instead there seems to be no time for it or sex is at the very bottom of your to-do-list.
Feeling stuck in those ever returning conflicts and triggers.
Wish you knew how to truly communicate or create a new, deep and lasting connection.
You (the feminine part of the couple) feel shut down from your feminine flow and you desire to feel connected to your feminine soft power again. Opening, receiving, soft.
You (the masculine part of the couple) feel taken out of your power, feel you are being criticized and taken for granted and you desire to feel like the warrior king that you know you are.
Imagine if you could:
Build deep intimacy, spice up and aliven your sexuality with a new flow of erotic passion;
Start to experience amazing connection, deep trust, way more intimacy, mind blowing sex together;
Experience things you now may think of as impossible in your own body AND relationship;
Help and support each other in your growth and transformation;
Allow your sexuality to be your spiritual practice which brings joy and aliveness in your lives;
Epic Intimacy Building = Rǝvolutionary Relationships

Sensual Sexual Healing Massage:
Preperation Instructions (value €37,-)
Video Guided Yoni (vulva, vagina & cervix) Massage Instructions (value €297,-)
+ Written instructions (value €37,-)
+ Audio only instructions (value €97,-)
Video Guided Lingam (penis, scrotum) Massage Instructions (value €297,-)
+ Written instructions (value 37,-)
+ Audio only instructions (value €97,-)
Yoni & Lingam Worship (value €127,-)
Video Instruction + Audio Instruction
Exploring an Edge Practice Guide and PDF instructions (Value €127,-)

Bonus Materials:
Recap & Holding Space Instructions (value €75,-)
Boosting Your Ocytocine Release Practice (value €75,-)
Connection Communication Practice (value €75,-)
5 Senses Sensual Activation Practice (value €97,-)
That's a Total Value of €1475,-
(excluding all the value you'll add to your life)
Your investment today:
ONLY 150,-!!!!
For couples who are ready to truly connect with one and other emotionally, verbally, sexually and spiritually and bring back that playful aliveness into their relationship.

" I have to admit that this journey has truly been epic!"
We decided to work with Marianne because there was much tension and not much connection. It was very healing for us both and now we are much more connected and our family life is much more calm and fulfilling and we have upgraded our sex life too!
- Yukka & Linnea -

A little bit about me
Hi dear sister. I am so excited to see you here on this page! I want you to know I have been in the same places as you. Feeling completely exhausted, depleted, disconnected from myself and my feminine flow and power.
After receiving my Social Psychology Master I went on a journey to bring all the pieces of the puzzel in my life together. Which brought me to my deepest core, re-connecting to my feminine power, my feminine flow and feminine life force energy,
I took a deep dive into the spiritual side of being a woman – something that’s always been important for me ever since I’ve had spontaneous Shamanic initiations as a child and adult.
I combined this with knowledge I soaked up while traveling all the continents of the world. Integrating the deeper wisdom of the different religions and sacred practices. Meditation, Tantra, Taoism, Reiki, Energy Clearing, Energy Healing, VITA coaching. Combining it my my background in Positive and Social Psychology, Solutiona Based Coaching, and a Solution-Focused Approach to Trauma … It all blends in together.
Mixing all these elements together, with a dash of my own personality, I created a Feminine Healing Therapy Methodology for women. And the best intimacybuilding course for couples. This is deep Feminine Empowerment Coaching and a powerful Spiritual Liberation Journey.
I’ve helped hundreds of women worldwide on their journey to feel embodied in their own empowered feminine. In my sessions and courses, you will meet the unique shamanic energy force that I am combining with my background in psychology.
Here’s your chance to discover a pleasure filled life.
Life is thriving when you have the best sex of your life!
Are you ready to discover your erotic playfulness as a couple?